Caramelized Onions and Ham Pizza

The fennel and Bocconcini are quintessentially Italian.

1 pizza


  • 3 Onions, yellow or sweet
  • 1 bulb of fennel, trimmed and sliced into 1/4 inch slabs
  • 200 g. fresh Bocconcini cheese, sliced into medallions
  • 250 to 300 g. Black-Forest or other deli ham, or prosciutto, chopped into 3/4 inch squares
  • 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • 130 g. log of goat cheese, sliced into medallions
  • 12 black or green pitted olives
  • Olive oil
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 pizza crust


  1. Prepare your crust. see crust recipe in bread and baking pages
  2. Caramelise the onions and fennel in a heavy frying pan. Prepare the pan by coating with olive oil and butter. Slice the onions 1/8 inch thick and spread them in the pan. cook at medium-low heat for about 30 to 40 minutes. Turn often so that they do not burn.
  3. When the crust is ready to be topped, drizzle some olive oil on the crust and spread around with a spatula or fingers. Sprinkle the crust with salt and pepper. Top with the caramelized onions/fennel, then with a layer of your ham, then with the goat cheese, the olives, and bocconcini medallions and finally with the grated Parmesan.
  4. Bake on a pizza stone in an oven heated to at least 500 degrees F. The cheese should be bubbly and the crust browned in about 8 to 10 minutes.

This recipe can be found online at: